The small lump often appears 1 month after the piercing, it is an irritation of the healing canal forming a small pink ball or red.

Its appearance is due to several factors:
- You sleep on the ear that was just pierced
- You put on a ring or earring
- Irritations caused by neglected or poorly cared for jewelry
- Use of unsuitable products that are too strong (Dakin, alcohol, etc.)
- Jewel change too fast still unhealed
Heal Keloid:

Stop irritation by avoiding any friction: do not touch or move the jewel, do not sleep on it. And dry the irritation by applying:
- from the Tea Tree Essential Oil or or - soothe irritation with a restorative cream poultice at night and rinse well in the morning with saline solution: Cicalfate Avène, Cicaplast La Roche Posay or Aureocyde.